You can feel like yourself again.
Therapy is for individuals looking for ways to cope with excessive worry or self-critique. Professional counseling provides specialized support through feelings of hopelessness, shame, traumatic events (PTSD), and loss of pleasure in life.
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent and among the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorders.
Most people are familiar with the typical day-to-day anxieties surrounding uncertain, unfamiliar, and stressful situations such as an upcoming exam, a job interview, or a public speaking event. While this type of anxiety can certainly cause discomfort and get in the way of performing one’s best, this alone does not constitute an anxiety disorder.
When anxiety becomes persistent, begins to interfere with living one’s life in a valued manner, and/or causes health or safety concerns, seeking professional help from a trained mental health professional (e.g., therapist, counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist) is recommended.
Anxiety – Common Signs & Symptoms
Uncontrollable worry
Excessive planning
Recurring distressing thoughts
Preoccupation with uncertainty
Rapid heart beat
Rapid breathing
Muscle tension, especially frequent headaches
Avoiding people or places
Fidgeting or trembling
Speaking faster than usual
When to see a Therapist:
Excessive Worry
General anxiety disorder (GAD), the broadest type of anxiety, is characterized by excessive worry. People with GAD worry too much about everyday things, both big and small. But what constitutes “too much worry?” With GAD, people are plagued with persistent, anxious thoughts most days of the week. This anxiety can become so overwhelming it interferes with their daily life. If you are worrying to a degree that you have trouble doing daily tasks and are suffering with your emotions, it may be time to speak with a therapist.
Trouble Sleeping
Sleep issues such as falling asleep or staying asleep have been associated with a myriad of health conditions, both physical and psychological. It’s normal for people to have trouble sleeping from time to time. Perhaps you find yourself tossing and turning before a big job interview or giving a presentation. However, if you find yourself night after night lying awake, anxious about specific problems (such as relationship problems or financial difficulties), or even about nothing in particular, it may be a sign of an anxiety disorder.
Muscle Tension
Anxiety disorders can often be accompanied by persistent muscle tension. Do you find yourself clenching your jaw or balling your fists throughout the day? You may have lived with this chronic muscular tension for so long you don’t even realize it anymore. While exercise can help relax muscles, therapy will get to the root cause of the anxiety. While anxiety lives in the mind, it is often manifested in the body through chronic digestive problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome. Our guts are very sensitive to emotional and psychological stress. Unfortunately, digestive upset can often make a person feel even more anxious.
Panic attacks
Panic attacks can be a frightening experience. You are suddenly gripped with an overwhelming feeling of dread and fear. These are often accompanied by physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, racing heart, dizziness, and profuse sweating. Though not everyone who has an anxiety disorder will experience panic attacks, but those that do live in constant fear. There are evidenced based techniques to use in the moment to move through feelings of panic.
If you are ready to begin anxiety treatment and live without constant worry, call Jessica Revels in Durham, NC.
Anxiety doesn’t have to hold you back. If you are interested in anxiety treatment, let’s schedule a no cost phone consultation or an office session in my Durham, NC counseling clinic. I have experience in helping individuals with depression and anxiety using research based counseling models and psychotherapy techniques. 919.308.6039
In addition to anxiety treatment, I provide a range of mental health services. My counseling psychotherapy specialties include depression treatment, counseling for life transitions, relationship problems, and co-parenting after divorce. I specialize in couples counseling and sex affirming relationship therapy, including premarital counseling, divorce counseling and marriage counseling. Begin Anxiety Treatment in Durham, NC.