You can parent mindfully.
You can accept what is.
You love your children and you feel like you’re doing your best. But, you find yourself emotionally spent or full of self-doubt. You and your co-parent are often on opposite sides of an issue even about the really important things.
Parent and Co-parent Counseling
Every parent needs help sometimes. Counseling helps parents address challenges that come up with the stress of modern day child rearing. Co-parent counseling reassures parents that things are being done in a way that supports healthy child development.
As a mental health professional, I offer specialized support around co-parenting and/or blended family situations after separation or divorce. Co-parent counseling covers unique emotional and practical issues.
Does this feel familiar?
Mary knew that the transition to single Mom and co-parent would be tough, but this is a new type of stress and sadness. The custody schedule is set and the legal expenses are paid. But, Mary is confronting what it means to be a single parent after divorce. Effective co-parenting is loaded with emotions.
Her married friends are busy with their own families. Mary can’t stop worrying about her child. Sometimes the feelings of guilt are overwhelming. She asks: Is our kid really ok going from house to house? Will she be fine, as a kid of divorced parents? How should I feel about the indulgence going on—the treats, gifts, trips, all the ways we are over compensating as parents?
How do my ex and I handle medical appointments, holiday rituals, or birthday party invites? What if my co-parent finds a new partner? What the heck do I say if I begin to date? How can I get so triggered by a text message?
Wait. Seriously. This is what he packed in her lunch?
Mary’s anxiety is starting to show up in new ways. Her previous strategies to control stress don’t seem to work anymore. In fact, her life runs and feels completely different as a newly divorced person with a child. Productivity at work is taking a hit; she is having trouble sleeping. “I’m not the only one to face these feelings; many kids today have co-parents. . . why do I feel so alone?”
Specialized Support for Co-Parents
Emotional Support
Therapy is a safe place to bring ALL the stuff that goes along with trying to be a constructive and successful co-parent. Modern parenting can be stressful. Then, co-parenting adds extra logistics and feelings to the already packed experience of being responsible for a developing human.
Yes, after divorce, there is the loss of the parent or past family “story.” Life doesn’t look like you thought it would. Our emotional state impacts our parenting, whether there are multiple parents under one roof or just one.
Co-parent counseling will include therapeutic support related to moving through the difficult part separation recovery that includes loss and often, anger. You will be better able to regulate emotions when co-parenting gets tough. In turn, all of you, including your kids, will be happier and better adjusted.
Practical Issues
Researchers have found that what is often most harmful to children is being around interpersonal conflict; divorce itself doesn’t necessarily harm kids. As a mental health and co-parent counselor, I can share information with you and/or your co-parent that may help both parties get on the same page about co-parenting and what supports children.
Topics in co-parent counseling
Practical information and strategies that clients find helpful in co-parent therapy:
How to keep the co-parenting relationship and arrangements child focused.
Important communication guidelines and day to day co-parenting protocols.
Appropriate ways to respect boundaries and enhance cooperation with the other parent (even when you don’t feel like it).
How to give thoughtful consideration to and approach introducing new partners or “blending families”.
Knowing what to watch for and how best to support kids that may be struggling with recent life changes.
Understanding how to stay calm & use proven coping strategies in the toughest parenting and co-parenting moments.
Problem solving when a co-parenting plan or schedule falls apart or major conflicts arise.
In co-parent counseling, I can provide helpful co-parenting guidelines and proven good habits that support child development and mental well being.
Begin Co-Parenting Counseling in Durham/Raleigh, NC
Co-parenting is hard and often loaded with emotions. I have experience helping divorced individuals and couples become confident about co-parenting and child well-being. Counseling can help you prioritize, communicate, and parent according to your values. You can look back one day and know you did the best you could as a parent. Contact me today and set up a no cost phone consultation in my Durham/ Raleigh area office.
Other Counseling Services
Facing other major areas of stress? I help people navigate a variety of issues including marriage counseling, divorce recovery, premarital therapy, marriage counseling, and couples counseling. I also offer sex positive and LGBTQIA affirming individual services such as anxiety treatment and depression therapy in my Durham therapy and Raleigh area counseling office. Anxious about starting therapy? Learn more about what to expect in professional individual or couples counseling.